Fall Hiking: Trails, Checklists and more!

It’s October! Fall is well underway. Often, we start to feel the less motivated to keep active as the cooler weather encroaches and the days shorten. As I talk with fellow outdoor enthusiasts, we all agree that October (even November!) is the best time to adventure and spend time in the woods. There is something in the air, READ MORE

May Long Weekend in Gros Morne National Park

May long weekend is something many of us look forward too each year as the kick off for summer. Where better to start your summer than in the heart of Gros Morne National Park? Did you know there was a bike ride event today? Did you know that Trails, Tales and Tunes has events all week? READ MORE

Hike This: Tablelands

Last weekend, I adventured up to Gros Morne National Park to sneak in one more hike before the impending snowfall. I have hiked the 2km base trail umpteen times but never have I summited the Tablelands.  The Tablelands were the last of the four ophiolites I needed to summit…so off we went! We drove up READ MORE